Search Results for "leaders"

What is the Work of Leaders – DiSC® Personality Test

What can the Work of Leaders – DiSC® Personality Test do to help your organization to develop great leaders?    What is a Leadership Style? What are Leadership secrets? Is Leadership nature or nurture? Where can Leadership be learned? The Work of Leaders – DiSC® Personality Test suggests that leadership skills are a combination of …

363 For Leaders

Everything Disc 363 For Leaders has been replaced by PxT CheckPoint 360 Everything DiSC® 363® for Leaders isn’t just any 360. It’s a dynamic 360-degree feedback tool plus 3 personalized strategies for leaders to put into action immediately—a 360 + 3! The richness of Everything DiSC® comes together with the research-based Eight Approaches to Effective …

Work of Leaders – FREE Poster Set for the DiSC® Profile

As an Introductory Offer, get a Free Everything DiSC® Profile – Work of Leaders – Poster Set with purchase of a Work of Leaders Facilitation Kit. The Focus is on:  Vision, Alignment, and Execution . . .  that’s the work of leaders made simple! The Work of Leaders seminar is classroom training as that uses the Work of Leaders online profile as …

Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders™ Profile


The Everything DISC® Work of Leaders Profile is designed to help individuals understand their leadership abilities by comparing their DiSC® style to proven best practices in leadership.

This program was developed over a four-year period through extensive research with 150 leadership experts and over 300 sources, ensuring its effectiveness for leaders of groups ranging in size from 30 to 30,000. Pricing starts at $135 per report and varies based on quantity. See the chart below or, create an account for pricing to apply.

DiSC® Profile, Work of Leaders – Coaching In 46th Super Bowl

The leadership concepts showcased in Everything DiSC® Profile – Work of Leaders are used not only in the workplace but in sports as well. As in any organization, the coach’s role is to create a vision, build alignment and execute. It’s only a few more days before the New England Patriots face the New York Giants in the 46th Super Bowl.   However, for the coaches Belichick …

Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders – Just Released!

Vision, Alignment and Execution . . the newest DiSC® Profile . . . That’s the Work of Leaders Using the pillars of Vision, Alignment, and Execution, Work of Leaders is a revolutionary tool for developing leaders that understand their own leadership behaviors and how they impact their  effectiveness. Rich, compelling narratives adds depth to each participants results.  There are strong visuals …

Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders™ Facilitation Kit

Starting at $1,295.00

Wiley SKU


  • English: A-431
  • Chinese: A-431-CN
  • Danish: A-411-DK
  • Finnish: A-411-FI
  • German: A-411-DE
  • Norwegian: A-411-NO
  • Swedish: A-411-SE


  • English: A-431-1
  • Chinese: A-431-CN-1
  • Danish: A-411-DK-1
  • Finnish: A-411-FI-1
  • German: A-411-DE-1
  • Norwegian: A-411-NO-1
  • Swedish: A-411-SE-1

Kits are available in two formats: Physical Kit, which comes with a boxed flash drive (shipping charges apply), and Digital Kit, which is available for download. Please select your preferred option from the dropdown menu below.

Everything DiSC® Profiles – Choose the Right One

Let us help you to choose the Everything DiSC® Profile the best fits your training objective. Below are some of the possible applications and focus areas for each profile. You can see the similarities and differences for yourself, or just pick up the phone and call us if you need help choosing.

Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders™ Facilitator Report

Exclusively created to be used with the Everything Work of Leaders Profile, this report combines individual data to provide facilitators with a more comprehensive understanding of the group. Both group and individual data are presented through graphs for each of the best practices, accompanied by a concise explanation and personalized discussion questions.

By gaining insight into the group’s strengths and weaknesses, facilitators can drive productive discussions and bring about valuable outcomes. The facilitator report includes the names of the participants and specific, continua-level feedback to aid in the facilitation process.

**Cost of 25 Epic Credits**

Work Of Leaders

Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders® lays out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC® style and leadership. Bringing together best practices from 300 experts in over 150 organizations, the important work of the most prominent scholars, and over four years of additional research and development, this all-inclusive …

Everything DiSC®Work of Leaders®

Classroom training and personalized learning experience that connects unique leadership styles to real-world demands