
How To Deal With Difficult Coworkers

It’s a given that you will encounter people you don’t like as you go about your everyday activities. It is an experience many people have. It may be comforting to you that you are not the only one experiencing this. But it can also be draining and feel like it’s intolerable. You may be able …

Upgrade Your Career Using The Certification Strategy

In today’s competitive marketplace, you need ways to distinguish yourself from the crowd. Your knowledge, experiences, and skills can give you an edge over others. Professionals who put in the work have a better chance, whether of getting a career promotion, being assigned notable tasks, or landing a new job. Today, we will let you …

Further Your Career by Actively Managing Your Boss

When it comes to your career, your boss is a key player. A good relationship with your boss can elevate your career, whereas a rocky relationship with your boss can easily derail your career. Once you decide to consciously manage this important relationship, you’re setting yourself up for unprecedented success. In today’s article, we’ll talk …

Five Things Every New Manager Needs to Know

Use Everything DiSC Catalyst platform to effortlessly transition into your new managerial role Following years of hard work, determination, and perseverance, you’ve advanced and are finally rewarded with a managerial position. As a new manager, while experiencing a profound sense of achievement, exhilaration, and pride, it’s natural to also feel overwhelmed. After all, there’s a …

Drive Team Engagement with Personal Feedback – A new manager’s guide

Using Everything DiSC’s Catalyst Platform to Increase Team Engagement Human beings crave recognition for their efforts. A single sentence of praise from your boss makes your day. Now that you’re a boss, you can use the same approach to supercharge your team members’ morale, driving team engagement. To get the best from your team members, …

Identify and Curb Quiet Quitting in Your Organization

Tackle the problem and avoid high costs with DiSC Assessments A simple search on Google Trends reveals that the internet’s interest in the term ‘Quiet Quitting’ skyrocketed from 0 to 79 (popularity index score) in August 2022. This term is doing the rounds these days and the buzzword seems to be a recent one. Before …

Three Steps to Getting Organizational Alignment

Organizational Alignment is The Cornerstone of Great Leadership What makes a leader a great leader? Followers. But to have followers, leaders must get everyone to the point where they understand the organization’s vision and goals and they are committed to being part of accomplishing those goals. In other words, leaders must build alignment. This means …

Using Catalyst to Connect with Your Coworkers

The Everything DiSC® Catalyst platform lets you tap into coworkers’ strengths to conjure powerful synergy equations There’s a famous African proverb that goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” But going far isn’t that easy because there are other people involved with their own shades …

How to Motivate Teams with the Disc Profile-Guest Blog

Guest Post by Janet Cortright Knowing How to Motivate Teams is always a challenge.   We’re always faced with motivating other people to do things.  You want your employees to work harder, your customers to buy, your employer to advance you, your co-workers to take a deeper interest in their work, or you want your …

DiSC® Profiles and Wonder Woman

It’s true! The author of the DiSC® Behavioral Profile Model is also the creator, writer and producer of the comics super hero Wonder Woman, which was introduced into comic strips as the  a strong female role model of the dominant personality traits in the DiSC® Personality Profile. Wonder Woman is a DC Comics superheroine created by …

The EPIC Edge

EPIC is an online profile delivery system that provides a simple way to send, customize, print, and store online assessments. As an EPIC system administrator, you have full control.