
The Everything DiSC® Profile and YOU!

The Everything DiSC® Profiles by Inscape Publishing are great tools for understanding your own natural behavioral tendencies, as well as those of your clients, partners, spouses, children, friends etc.  There are no bad profiles, & no right or wrong answers. With the DiSC® Profile, different = different, ≠ not wrong.    Behavior just  ”is.”   When you’re aware of your own …

DiSC® Profiles Build Better Workplace Relationships

Here are some tips for building better workplace relationships and team building using Everything DiSC® Workplace profiles.   If a co-worker’s DiSC® personality style leans towards . . .  Dominance . . . . Your relationship will be compatible if you . . .. Are efficient Are brief and to the point State your bottom line recommendations …

DiSC® Trainer Certification or DiSC® Certification

Last Chance in 2011! DiSC® Trainer Certification is not required, but there are many trainers who want to have certification credentials.   Inscape Publishing provides the only DiSC® Certification available for Everything DiSC® Products (the Circular Model). There is only one training opportunity left in before the end of the year. December 6 – 7, 2011 Register Here For …

Managing your Boss’ DiSC® Profile Style . . . a skill worth developing

Say what?   Manage my boss?     They’re the ones who should be developing skills to manage direct reports better.   That’s what they’re paid for!     Besides, who wants to be a “suck up?” That may be your initial reaction, . . . but one of the most valuable skills you can have is being able to manage …

Two New Features for EPIC

Announcing Two Important changes in your EPIC Administrator Account. Have you ever wished that you could send DiSC® Profile Access Codes at a future date, like when you’re out of the office next week?   Well, now you can. EPIC Future Delivery allows you full control over when access codes are sent –  you can set your EPIC …

What is EPIC from DiSC® Profiles 4U?

EPIC is the DiSC® Profile electronic profile delivery system. You can . . . Have access to all of Inscape’s Online DiSC® Profiles, Facilitator Reports and Comparision Reports . . and have them all contained in your Adimiistrator Account. Send DiSC® Profile access codes to your participants – across town or across the country Customize and brand all …

Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders – Just Released!

Vision, Alignment and Execution . . the newest DiSC® Profile . . . That’s the Work of Leaders Using the pillars of Vision, Alignment, and Execution, Work of Leaders is a revolutionary tool for developing leaders that understand their own leadership behaviors and how they impact their  effectiveness. Rich, compelling narratives adds depth to each participants results.  There are strong visuals …

DiSC® Profile Training made easy with EPIC

EPIC is a cost-effective way to deliver the newest generation of DiSC® Profiles available anywhere. EPIC Allows you to send access codes for participants to respond right online. You have 24/7 access to Everything DiSC® Profiles and 60 other Inscape Online assessments. Save $$$ by having your own EPIC Administrator Account: When you do your own administration of the EPIC site, …

DiSC® Profile – Graphs or Circles?

DiSC® Profile Graphs or Circles? – You decide! Everything DiSC® Profile – Circular Model         New research based DiSC® Profile Test 79-item rated choice questions DiSC® Profile results are plotted on a circle. The Everything DiSC® Profiles are simpler to use, newly researched, more valid, and yields a more consistent interpretation DiSC® Classic …

DiSC® Personality Styles – Six Tips for Presentations

Tip # 1 – Address all four DiSC® Personality Styles equally All DiSC® Personality Styles are of equal value and needed.  Give credence and affirmation to all styles.  Check your own bias at the door.  Avoid using judgmental language.  The goal is to honor, value and appreciate differences. Tip # 2 – Plan and organize your …

The EPIC Edge

EPIC is an online profile delivery system that provides a simple way to send, customize, print, and store online assessments. As an EPIC system administrator, you have full control.