The Myers Briggs Test Online and the DiSC® Profile Test approach the challenge of understanding people from two fundamentally different points of view.
The Myers-Briggs Profile Test seeks to describe personality which is often set early in life, while The DiSC® Profile by Inscape Publishing describes human behavior in specific situations. The distinction being that personality is our overall way of looking at a person – the totality of qualities, cultural values, beliefs, emotional makeup, skills, abilities, and traits unique to an individual. Behavior, on the other hand is the way we respond to a specific situation. It is the outward expression of who we are.
Because personality is relatively stable throughout a person’s adult life, the Myers Briggs Test should not change significantly over time. On the other hand when taking the DiSC®™ Profile Test, the individual is asked to focus on a particular environment, such as work or home life. Individuals may have a “core style” that represents a set of behaviors that are most comfortable; yet, an individual’s profile may change significantly because behaviors can be different in various situations and roles.
Key features of Myers Briggs Test Online vs DiSC® Profile Online instruments
Myers Briggs Test |
DiSC® Profile Test |
Must be certified to facilitate MBT | Certification is not required to facilitate DiSC® |
A psychological instrument which is complex and needs individual explanation or classroom instruction from a qualified instructor | A self-interpreting instrument which is easy to understand. Respond Online, get immediate results – view, print or save |
Takes 30-45 minutes to administer. Long form is not self-scored, but requires facilitator time and fees for scoring. A self-scoring short form is available which is less than 75% accurate and gives no measurement of intensity | Takes 10-12 minutes to respond online. Computer generated electronic reports – immediate results. DiSC® Profile Online Web sites are available for clients to own and produce their own online reports at their corporate location |
MBTI was designed as a psychological instrument. It has academic acceptance and endorsement | Originally created as an instrument to be easily used in business settings |
Reliable, valid and accurate | Reliable, valid and accurate |
Low cost for materials – Additional consulting fee required for interpretation | Low cost for materials – Self-interpreting – No consulting fee required for interpretion |
Based on logical preferences | Based on needs and emotions |
Reading level 8th to 11th grade | Reading level about 5th grade |
Current research and supportive data available through the American Psychological Type Association (APT) | Has new research base, normed on today’s workforce with continual validation and reliability being done. Information available in facilitator kit |
Uses a general focus, rather than a specific environmental response focus | Uses a specific environmental response focus. i.e. work, social, or sales |
Addresses personality and preferences which are largely unchanging | Addresses behavior which is situational; and it can then be coached for greater performance. |
The MBT Online gives a person a read on their individual personality and the way they view the world. | The DiSC® Profile Online expands an employee’s knowledge of their work behavior and helps them to understand the behavior and motivators in self and others. |
The MBT and the DiSC® Profile Test clearly do not measure the same things; but they both contribute to a person’s self-awareness and interpersonal learning. Want to learn more about MBT and Disc Profiles? Contact DiscProfiles 4u and set up a consultation.
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