DiSC® Profiles have evolved to meet the evolved workplace! So, you’ve used DiSC® Classic Profiles for a long time . . . and you’re reluctant to upgrade to Everything DiSC® Profiles?
Here are a few tips to help you to overcome your upgrade reluctance, and consider using the new Everything DiSC® Profiles rather than DiSC® Classic Profiles.
Free DiSC® Comparison Reports:
Our customers love these Comparison Reports, and they are only available with the Everything DiSC® Circle Model. They provide great value for building team relationships and reducing conflict with direct reports. And they are FREE for any two individuals who have completed any Everything DiSC® Profile. View sample reports:
Compare Person A to B.
Compare Person B to A.
Most Current Research and Adaptive Testing:
The Everything DiSC® Circular Model uses the most current research and Adaptive Testing is a newly added feature. This advanced technology uses a new computerized scoring algorithm that adapts each question to how the respondent answered previous questions – resulting in 35% improvement in the reliability scale for inconsistent responses. Yellow stripped lines represent reporting from adaptive testing.
The shading factor of the Everything DiSC® Circle Model . . .
Illustrates how we all have D, I, S, and C characteristics. The rich narrative combined with the colorful visuals peaks the interest of participants. And, the circle better illustrates how we can adapt and flex our style to meet the situational needs. Overall, it is easier to understand, and provides a more intuitive and memorable learning experience for the participant.
Response form is easier and the report is more relevant to participants:
The Everything DiSC® Circular model is based on a 79-item question or Likert Scale (a much easier scale especially for those for whom English is not a first language; a rating scale used to measure opinions, attitudes, or behaviors) compared to the 28 questions Ipsiative Forced Choice Scale used by DiSC® Classic.
The Circle Model is measured on eight scales rather than the Classic 4 scales:
Everything DiSC® Circular model is topic-specific and application focused:
You can choose which profile and training best fits your training objectives. Choose . . .
- Everything DiSC® Workplace for general staff development.
- Everything DISC Sales Profile for improving sales and customer service.
- Everything DiSC® Management for improving management skills.
- Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders for Leadership Training.
Facilitator Group Reports provide dialogue opportunities:
Facilitator reports display graphics that make it easy to understand group dynamics and see where strengths and limitations lie. There are two reports available.
- Everything DiSC® Facilitator Report – Participant names are included.
- Everything DISC Group Culture Report – Participant names are not included.
Everything DiSC® Facilitator Kits – DIY – No need to hire outside consultants
All kits contain everything needed for a successful training event. Course Outlines, Scripted Learning Modules, Participant Handouts, PowerPoints with embedded video, engaging training activities and more – and DiSC® Training Certification is not required.
So are you ready to upgrade?
Our Reach Back . . . Leap Forward Migration Program makes it easy and cost-effective. If you have already completed a DiSC® Classic Profile and have it stored in your EPIC Account, you can try Everything DiSC® Workplace for only 5 EPIC Credits. Learn More Here!