Each DiSC® Personality uniquely approaches multitasking
The Dominant DiSC® Personality generally makes a decision as to which task is primary, or can be accomplished in the least amount of time, and will move aggressively toward completing it.
The Influence DiSC® Personality Styles love to multitask! They generally start with the most interesting or fun project and tackle harder tasks at a later date.
The Steadiness DiSC® Personality Styles work steadily and complete one task before tackling another. They are methodical and thorough. Multi-tasking is not for them.
Finally, the Conscientiousness DiSC® Personality Style is an intentional planner. They start each project by organizing it from start to finish before starting on the actual work.
So where does each DiSC® Personality style face multitasking challenges?
They tend to focus on what gets them the “biggest bang for their buck”.
Dominant DiSC® Personality Styles tend to overlook what they perceive as tedious tasks that perhaps take longer to accomplish. They would do well to realize that a monumental task is accomplished one step at a time.
While the Influence DiSC® Personality Style tends to prefer multitasking and juggling several projects at once, it often results in finding important tasks left undone. They need to remember that a finished project is more important than several half baked attempts.
The Steadiness DiSC® Personality Style is very methodical by nature. Fast paced, multitasking environments are not their cup of tea. And they care about relationships more than tasks. Their loyalty or commitment to a person or a task is not easily dropped for another hot potato that seems to have higher priority.
The Conscientiousness DiSC® Personality Style holds very high standards for performance. They may over stress about not completing each and every task with quality standards. And their fear of being wrong or making mistakes often prevents them from managing their time and prioritizing their tasks. If everything is important . . . nothing gets immediate attention.
When you’re tested by someone whose skills are different from yours, give some consideration to their DiSC® Personality. You’ll be a lot less likely to judge them, and you might even find ways to help.
A perfect place to start is with a DiSC® Workplace Profile
Learn more about: Which Profiles to use or How Profiles Work
The most popular DiSC® Profiles are:
- Everything DiSC® Workplace Profiles (online)
- Everything DiSC® Sales Profiles (online)
- Everything DiSC® Management Profiles (online)
- DiSC® Classic 2.0 Profiles (online)
- DiSC® Classic Profiles (the original paper version)
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