The DiSC® Assessment test is the tool of choice for workplace teams in business, government, colleges, and any organization where team building, coaching, or mentoring is the goal. The DiSC® Assessment test by Inscape uses the four basic styles of Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness to describe how people approach their work and relationships.
A person’s profile, the position of their dot, and the shading within the circle indicate their strongest primary style and priorities as well as their secondary style.
Four primary styles and twelve combination styles are addressed in each DiSC® Assessment. Your personalized report will give you additional tips about how you might be inclined to relate to each of these twelve styles and the challenges you might face.
Below are the 12 combination styles with five criteria describing what you might expect from someone from each style.
DC – challenge, results, accuracy
Goals: Personal accomplishment and Independence
Fears: Failure to achieve their own set standards
Influences others by Determination and high standards
Overuses: Sarcasm, bluntness, or condescending attitudes
Increase effectiveness by: Tactful communication and personal warmth
D – results, action, challenge
Goals: Personal Victory and Bottom-line results
Fears: Appearing weak and being taken advantage of
Influences others by Being competitive, insistence, and assertiveness
Overuses: The personal need to win, resulting in a win/lose situation
Increase effectiveness by: Using empathy and patience
Di – action, results, enthusiasm
Goals: Seizing new opportunities with quick action
Fears: Loss of personal power
Influences others by: Charming personality and bold action
Overuses: Egoism, manipulation and impatience
Increase effectiveness by: Humility, being considerate and patient
iD – action, enthusiasm, results
Goals: Exciting opportunities and breakthroughs
Fears: Loss of approval or attention and fixed environment
Influences others by: Charm and creative thinking ability
Overuses: Impulsive outspokenness
Increase effectiveness by: Listening and focusing on the details
i – enthusiasm, action, collaboration
Goals: Approval, popularity and excitement
Fears: Personal rejection and not being acknowledged
Influences others by: Optimism, personal charm and contagious energy
Overuses: Enthusiasm, optimism and praise
Increase effectiveness by: Objectivity and completion of tasks
iS – collaboration, enthusiasm, support
Goals: Collaboration and friendship
Fears: Being disliked and bringing undue pressure on others
Influences others by: Empathy, patience and agreeableness
Overuses: Using indirect approaches and exhibiting patience with others
Increase effectiveness by: Confronting problems and objectivity about others
Si – collaboration, support, enthusiasm
Goals: Forming close relationships and being accepted
Fears: Confronting aggression and being forced to pressure others
Influences others by: Showing empathy, patience and calmness
Overuses: Personal connections and kindness
Increase effectiveness by: Confronting issues and saying “no” when appropriate
S – support, stability, collaboration
Goals: Showing stability and creating harmony
Fears: Rapid unplanned change and letting people down
Influences others by: Collaboration and friendliness
Overuses: Compromise, modesty and passive resistance
Increase effectiveness by: Displaying self-confidence, revealing true feelings
SC – stability, support, accuracy
Goals: Steady progress toward fixed objectives and calm environments
Fears: Chaotic environment, uncertainty and time pressure
Influences others by: Self control, diplomacy and consistency
Overuses: Personal humility and willingness to let others take the lead
Increase effectiveness by: speaking up and Initiating change
CS – stability, accuracy, support
Goals: Reliable outcomes and stability
Fears: Ambiguity and emotionally charged situations
Influences others by: Attention to detail and practical approaches
Overuses: Caution and traditional, tried and true methods
Increase effectiveness by: Being decisive, flexible and showing urgency
C – accuracy, stability, challenge
Goals: Tried and true objective processes, analysis and accuracy
Fears: Strong displays of emotion and being wrong
Influences others by: Exact standards. proper ways and logic
Overuses: Personal restraint and analysis paralysis
Increase effectiveness by: Acknowledging others’ feelings, looking beyond data
CD – challenge, accuracy, results
Goals: Rational decisions and efficient results
Fears: Lack of control and personal failure
Influences others by: Being resolute and applying strict standards
Overuses: Critical attitute toward others and bluntness
Increase effectiveness by: Paying attention to needs of others and cooperation