Each primary DiSC® Personality style has three possible combinations depicted on the circular DiSC® Model.
This is the second of four blog posts to help you understand the three style combinations within Influence DiSC® Personality Styles.
The DiSC® Workplace Priorities Map shows us that the Influence or Influencing Styles prioritize ENTHUSIASM, ACTION and COLLABORATION.
While all three Influence combinations place priority on ENTHUSIASM – ACTION and COLLABORATION, each of the three Influence Combination Styles prioritize those qualities in a slightly different way, depending on the placement of a person’s dot within the “i” quadrant.
So how are the three Influence Style combinations styles alike and different? Well’ all Influence styles tend to be: FAST PACED and OUTSPOKEN – ACCEPTING AND WARM… but in addition…
They express great enthusiasm and a positive attitude. They are fast paced and quick to act. Their people orientation enables them to collaborate with others, and bids well when building teams.
When coaching the Pure “i” Style, encourage them to stay focused and consider consequences before acting.
The “iD” Style prioritizes ACTION – ENTHUSIASM and RESULTS:
They move quickly toward goals and objectives. Their enthusiasm attracts others and builds optimism. Their leaning toward “D” makes them results oriented.
When coaching the iD Style, encourage them to pay attention to details and develop patience with others.
They collaborate and make great team players. Their leaning toward the “S” makes them supportive and encouraging to others and the group. They tend to be accepting and non-judgmental.
When coaching the IS Style, encourage them to address problems quickly and observe and acknowledge others limitations.
Overall, other styles tend to perceive the “i” styles to be overly optimistic. When stressed they can appear to be impulsive and over-react.
Stay tuned for the rest of this 4 part series about DiSC® Combination Styles.
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