Your DiSC® Personality will drive your life if you aren’t paying attention.
Not being aware of our DiSC® Personality Style, can lead to conflict and friction in relationships, dead-end choices, and a sense of not really being in touch with our natural styles strengths or weaknesses.
Taking a DiSC® Personality Test lets us see our behavior patterns. This can be a trans-formative moment when our “scales fall off” and we see ourselves as others do.
The DiSC® Personality Test is a powerful and dynamic personality profile system that identifies and describes the 12 distinct behavioral patterns for thinking, feeling and acting.
Each of the twelve patterns is based on an explicit set of perceptual filters that determine our world view. Around the perimeter of each profile are basic priorities or preferences that people feel are necessary for a life of personal satisfaction.
When you discover your DiSC® Personality Style you will learn about underlying motivators and stressors that are inherent to your style and personal development.
The Everything DiSC® Workplace Profile offers a breakthrough approach for training organizations and individuals about the importance of emotional intelligence, and communication skills to build high performance teams. Developed by Inscape Publishing, the DiSC® Personality Test is used in corporations, small businesses, and non-profits around the world.
The DiSC® Workplace Profile can help you and your organization to:
- Identify the strengths and challenges of 4 primary and 12 combination styles. Provide suggestions for team member’s professional development and improved interpersonal skills.
- Reduce conflict and improve teamwork and communication.
- Welcome behavioral diversity and maximize each person’s contribution.
- Provide ways to reduce stress, and manage personal reactions.
There are several DiSC® Personality Test versions
Call us and we’ll help you choose the one that’s right for you.
Learn more about: Which Profiles to use or How Profiles Work
The most popular DiSC® Profiles are:
- Everything DiSC® Workplace Profiles (online)
- Everything DiSC® Sales Profiles (online)
- Everything DiSC® Management Profiles (online)
- DiSC® Classic 2.0 Profiles (online)
- DiSC® Classic Profiles (the original paper version)
- Get information about: Training or Certification
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