It’s your sandbox… Make work a fun place with a DiSC® Test !
Or you could just deep six your career and damage work relationships with your old actions and behaviors at work. Your experience, education, or title, mean very little if you don’t play nice with others.
The DiSC® Test or Everything DiSC® Workplace Profile can help to build relationships one person at a time. It can be used for ANYONE in the workplace, regardless of title or role. The Everything DiSC® Workplace Profile is a 20-page topic-specific report that helps people explore workplace priorities that direct their behavior. Included are strategies for build relationships with people of differing styles. And you don’t have to be certified to facilitate and help people to learn using Everything DiSC® Workplace. Better yet, you can deliver the DiSC® Test online.
Here are seven additional tips for playing well with others:
- Never play the blame game:
Blaming others is a sure way to create enemies. While you may need to determine who or what caused a problem, refusing to take responsibility and to blame others will alienate others, and in turn cause you to fail.
- Be a solutions finder:
Come to the meeting table with suggested solutions. Identifying problems is the easy part. Spending time finding thoughtful solutions will earn admiration and respect from bosses and co-workers alike.
- Build trust by keeping people informed in advance
Always discuss problems in advance. If the first time a co-worker ever hears about a problem is in a meeting, or from an email sent to his supervisor, that person will feel blind-sided or ambushed. When building alliances, co-workers trust is critical.
- Make your verbal and nonverbal communication respectful:
Using sarcasm or talking down to employees buys you no friends. It will get noticed and negatively impact employee trust. Disrespect is never appropriate.
- Keep commitments:
If you can’t keep commitments, make sure all people who were affected understand what happened, and establish a new due date and make an effort to honor the new deadline.
- Share and Give Credit for ideas, contributions and accomplishments:
Many great ideas come from staff members. Make every effort to thank, recognize and reward specific contributions of the people who help you to succeed.
- Help employees find their talents and abilities:
All employees come to the table with experience, skills and talents. Helping employees find their greatness will enhance the organization. Be lavish with compliments, recognition and notice of contribution.
By carrying out these actions and you will develop effective work relationships. Your boss will believe in you as the team leader and you’ll be valued and respected as a colleague.
You may even find the workplace sandbox a fun place to work!
Need help using DiSC® Test Online for developing your workplace team? Just give us a call!
Learn more about:
- Which DiSC® Profile to use
- How DiSC® Works
- DiSC® Training
- DiSC® Testing
- DiSC® Training Certification
Here is the full line of DiSC® Profiles :
- Everything DiSC® Workplace (online)
- Everything DiSC® Sales (online)
- Everything DiSC® Management (online)
- Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders (online)
- Everything DiSC® 363 for Leaders (online)
- DiSC® Classic 2.0 Profile (online)
- DiSC® Classic Profile (the original paper version)
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