The most valuable benefit that DiSC® Profiles will bring to your organization is a broad appreciation for Discovering Diversity within the workplace. All humans have their own unique behavioral styles, life experiences and challenges that combined create a person’s individuality.
By introducing Everything DiSC® Workplace, organizations can embrace individuality and encourage people from all walks of life to use their natural behavioural style and life experiences to add value and work together to build thriving organizations.
Make it your mission to maximize human potential and value diversity and performance. Provide a work environment where people can demonstrate their ability, learn new skills, perform to their potential and enjoy the rewards of their success. Valuing different behavioral styles and diversity is important to every organizations mission.
“We know and understand that diversity extends far beyond the age, gender and ethnicity differences that are commonly discussed. Diversity is so much more than what meets the eye. “It means welcoming all behavioral styles, and backgrounds into the workplace. Accepting people and embracing the things that make them different; these are the qualities that can bring huge value to any organization.
Discovering Diversity in the workplace requires the willingness to value differences, and to be flexible to the needs of others. A respectful and inclusive culture, with a focus on the premise that everyone is worthy of respect, is similar to the adage, ”treat others as you would like to be treated.” Better yet, use the Platinum Rule, and “treat other’s as they want and need to be treated.” Not as you want to be treated.
When you bring a truly diverse group together and provide an environment where they can problem solve and be innovative, a safe environment that is respectful, – well … there is nothing this group of people can’t accomplish.
Embracing or Discovering Diversity builds on the threads that make the fabric of any organization stronger. If you only surround yourself with people that are similar to you, there is very little likelihood that growth and creativity can flourish. When you surround yourself with people who are different than you, it multiplies the ideas and allows outcomes to grow exponentially.
Start by using DiSC® Profiles to build trust within your staff.
You can order a personalized Everything DiSC® Workplace profile here.