Adaptive Testing methods have been introduced to the Everything DiSC® Profile.

What is Adaptive Testing?

This advanced technology uses a new computerized scoring algorithm that adapts each question to how the respondent answered previous questions.   It’s possible that you have already experienced Adaptive Testing (AT) as it is used in a variety of academic standardized tests.

Adaptive Testing Graph - DiSC® Profile

Why did Inscape Publishing introduce Adaptive Testing?
It is the policy of Inscape Publishing, the publishers of Everything DiSC® Profile, to provide the most precise and reliable DiSC® Instruments on the market.

Inscape Publishing has found that AT testing showed

    • 35 percent improvement in the reliability scale for inconsistent responses.
    • 12 percent increase in accuracy over the original 79-item assessment.
    • 32 percent increase in accuracy over DiSC® Classic.

What does DiSC® Profile Adaptive Testing mean for you?

For Everything DiSC® Profile users, this new scoring method will provide participants the most precise DiSC® Profile results possible with improved reporting and feedback.  Look for:

  • Precision – More targeted questions, provide greater accuracy.
  • Consistency – Respondent answers will provide scale by scale consistency.
  • More Personalized and specific feedback as a result of greater precision.

DiSC® Classic 2.0 will not be upgraded to adaptive testing, so now is a good time to upgrade to Everything DiSC® Profiles for the most  precise and reliable report available.

For detailed information download the Everything DiSC® Research Report – AT

Everything DiSC® Information and FAQs – AT (1) 

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