The person with a “Dominant” DiSC® Personality Test or High D Personality is goal oriented.

Dominant - High D Personality - Donald Trump
Your goal is to adapt to people with a Dominant DiSC® Personality Test or DiSC® Profile by appealing to their High D Personality sense of accomplishment. Support their ideas, and respect their need for power and prestige. They typically want to call the shots and are not the type to take a back seat to others. Be efficient, competent, and don’t waste their time. Give them bulleted lists to read in advance, and make communications relevant with high possibility of success.

If you have disagreements, argue the facts, not feelings.

When working with a person with High D – DiSC® Personality Test – Help them to: 

• Explain their reasons for decisions
• Be more attentive and responsive to emotions
• Take a more realistic approach to assessing risk factors
• Follow rules, regulations and expectations
• Be more deliberate and cautious when making decisions.

When selling to a person with a High D – DiSC® Personality Test – Make sure you:

• Meet them in a business like and professional manner
• Get to the point and don’t waste their time.
• Give them options and let them make final decisions
• Learn of their goals, objectives and motivations – then support them
• Be prepared, organized and fast-paced

 When Socializing with a person with a High D – DiSC® Personality Test – Be sure to:

• Give them your time and undivided attention
• Convey your acceptance and be open with them
• Acknowledge and appreciate them when appropriate
• Listen attentively to their suggestions
• Summarize their achievements and accomplishments

Do you need help using the DiSC® Personality Test for developing your work team?   Just give us a call!

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