Using a DiSC® Personality Test can help you motivate people you work with.
People are always challenged by trying to motivate others to do something: You want employees to work harder; customers to buy; your employer to advance you; your co-workers to take a deeper interest in their work; you want your children to get better grades, and your partner to treat you better.
There is a key principle that you can follow that will help you become a better motivator.
Here it is:
“To the extent that you give others what they want and need, will they give you want you want and need.”
This is known as the Universal Law of Reciprocity. To have this principle work, you have to give others what they want first. Then they will give you what you want.
Many people apply this principle backwards:
- Employers say “When employees put forth some extra effort, then I’ll give them a raise.”
- Individuals say “if my partner just showed a little more love – I wouldn’t be so grumpy around the house.”
- Sales managers say “I’ll give recognition when I see high performance.”
That’s just backwards! It’s like saying “I’m going to wait until you give me what I want, then maybe I’ll give you what you want.”
If you can find a way to give others what they want first, they’re more likely to be motivated. And what is it that people want most? It’s what is called “psychological satisfaction.” People will work harder for “psychic income” than they will for monetary income or personal benefits.
Understanding another’s DiSC® Personality Test will help you provide ways to satisfy these “psychological motivators.” For instance:
- High D – Dominant Styles are motivated by: Challenges, Control, and Dominance
- High I – Influence Styles are motivated by: Approval, Status and Popularity
- High S – Steadiness Styles are motivated by: Stability, Status Quo and Traditions
- High C – Conscientious Styles are motivated by: Order, Proper Ways and Precision
This is only the tip of the iceberg of what can be learned about the needs and motivations of others when you use DiSC® Profiles in your work environment.
Learn more about: Which Profiles to use or How Profiles Work
The most popular DiSC® Profiles are:
Everything DiSC® Workplace Profiles (online)
Everything DiSC® Sales Profiles (online)
Everything DiSC® Management Profiles (online)
DiSC® Classic 2.0 Profiles (online)
DiSC® Classic Profiles (the original paper version)
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